Sé Cathedral in Lisbon

Sé Cathedral in Lisbon

The Sé Cathedral known as Sé de Lisboa is one of the city’s iconic buildings. Tour around with Amiroad and discover the chapels, the cloisters, and its styles. The iconic Church was built in the 13th century and it is mostly Romanesque, but Gothic and Baroque too. Climbing all the way up to the S. Jorge Castle, the oldest part of Lisbon, you’ll certainly catch the no 28 tram, a classic one, passing by.
On our Tour, we recommend a visit to Church of Santo Antonio, nearby Lisbon Cathedral, and which blends the Baroque style with Neoclassical columns.
St. Anthony was known as the protector of brides and mass marriages are held at this church during the St. Anthony’s Day celebrations. Enjoy the comfort and elegance of Amiroads Tours


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